I only took one class because I was about to return to Brazil, but when I return to live there I will take regular classes. It's great that the classes are in english and there is availability to rent mats and towels. Hans is very nice, love the vibe of the studio, very clean and nice prices.

I do yoga since 2007 and had experienced many studios and teachers. Natasha and all other teachers are way better than all I’ve seen and studio is super comfortable, clean and well organized. Strongly recommend it for those looking for a safe and peaceful environment

Super fijne ervaring met de hot yoga lessen! Aandacht voor alle deelnemers en duidelijke begeleiding, waardoor iedereen de lessen naar eigen niveau kan invullen. Voelde meteen dat de lessen een hele positieve werking hadden op mijn lichaam. Aanrader!

I love this place! It's only been a month since I started practicing yoga, and I can already say that it's the first place I go to, super excited and motivated. After a long and exhausting day, this is my medicine! There is a variety of classes, and every one of the teachers is amazing. Special thanks to Natasha and Hans, who are both great teachers; they always take care of you and help you in the most sincere way. They try to get to know you better which makes you very confident and comfortable during the classes. At first, I was skeptical if I could take the heat, but you get used to it, and at the end of each class, you feel proud of yourself and what you have achieved. I would recommend it to anyone who wants to add more value and relaxation to their busy daily life. 🙂

Omdat ik vaak tegen blessures aanliep vanwege het verleggen van mijn grenzen met fitness icm reuma, een eerste les op aanraden van mijn vrouw cadeau gekregen ongeveer 4 maanden geleden.Ik eerste instantie sceptisch maar wilde het wel een kans geven door minimaal een aantal lessen te volgen. Het resultaat was al redelijk snel merkbaar. Ik heb minder lichamelijke klachten en beweeg me soepeler. Ook geestelijk brengt het me rust.Het zijn allemaal zeer professionele leraren die de lessen geven. In het bijzonder Natasha die ontzettend goed zorg draagt voor haar “leerlingen”.Kortom voor mij een ideale vorm om lichaam en geest in balans te houden en zeker een aanrader.

Thank you Natasha and Hans for your unforgettable retreat "Yoga in Nature" This was my first time attending a retreat, and my first time practising any form of Yoga in 3 years. I was worried my stiffness/lack of fitness would be a problem, but your gentle, intelligent, teaching and guidance quickly put me at ease. I stopped thinking about what I couldn't do, and enjoyed what I could do. The retreat group was a safe space to be myself again, try new things and have fun! Great company, beautiful woodland setting, walks, Yoga philosophy, poetry, Yin Yoga, delicious food......Back home again, the feeling of being nurtured and encouraged stays with me.

Nieuwsgierig, dat was ik naar mijn eerste les hot Yoga, wist totaal niet wat mij te wachten stond. Nu na 2 jaar blijft mij het nog steeds verbazen wat deze vorm met je body and mind doet. De begeleiding van deze energieke gemotiveerde docenten hebben geleid tot het sterk verminderen van lichamelijke klachten. De energie die je door de oefening krijgt geeft je ook automatisch een positievere kijk op het leven.

Is geweldig super ontspannend de instructies is geweldig goed . De beste joga ooit . Is ook goed voor mijn rug . Ik heb minder klachten

lovely place, great hot yoga classes, warm & professional teachers where you feel welcome!

Super yoga studio. Veel lessen op verschillende tijdstippen. Goede begeleiding en een prettige sfeer. Een aanrader!

Some people think yoga isn't exercise, I don't think they've tried it yet Hot Yoga to me is turning up the difficulty There is still all the room to grow Getting more flexible, and comfortable in the discomfortPersonally I become a living fountain, my lila shirt wil turn purple by the time I start feeling like wanting to give up, but every time They give you new commands and my body follows Because it knows it's good, and wants it For by the time you finish And walk out that room You become the embodiment of a perfectly cooked Udon noodle

Fijne yoga studio met aandacht voor iedereen! Gevorderd of beginner maakt geen verschil. Bij Natasha voel je je welkom en goed begeleidt. Heerlijke yogalessen! Zeker een aanrader.

Very nice place for hot yoga in Eindhoven , the owner Natasha creates a nice atmosphere during her classes which vibrates through the combined energy of the group.I would highly recommend Hot Yoga Eindhoven

Fijne yogastudio, met aandacht voor de theorie achter yoga zonder zweverig te zijn. Aardige docenten, die goeie adviezen geven.

Traditional hot yoga class in Eindhoven. Friendly staff, amazing teachers. Not only focusing on the physical aspect of yoga but also on the mental / mindfulness aspect! If you want to have a good sweat and clear your mind, best place to be!

Een hele fijne yoga school, waar goed op je persoonlijke behoeftes wordt gelet!

I am hooked! Excellent yoga studio, very good teachers. The focus is on your individual capabilities, physical status and daily mood, rather than performance. I personally am a big fan of the hot yoga classes and Linda’s yin yoga class. They help me increase my mental strength and physical agility. Grateful to have discovered this gem 🙏🏻.

Hot yoga Eindhoven has always helped me keep fit, but the personal lessons during my pregnancy (and while recovering from a broken ankle!) made a huge difference in making me feel strong and ready for birth, I strongly recommend it for future mammas to be!

This studio is my favorite thing in Eindhoven! If you are looking for hot or warm yoga classes in English with kind, professional teachers, this is the perfect place for you. There is a variety of classes, from vinyasa to yin, so there is something for everyone.

It is one of the best things that I have discovered in Eindhoven. Hot hoga is good for mind, body and soul. It is one of the practices that strenghten my body faster without loosing flexibility. Natasha and Hans are passionate and dedicated yoga teachers. They follow strictly the rules of corona and therefore the attendance is limited, and online is also possible. I started two years ago when I arrived to the Netherlands snd I still continue. Very recommendable if you are looking for an excellent hot yoga studio.

Echt een aanrader. Erg enthousiast over wat de hot yoga met je lichaam doet. Daarnaast super fijne lessen en ook erg fijne gemotiveerde en prettige docenten. Heerst een fijne en goede sfeer.

If you are looking for impeccable yoga asana teachings in English, with the bonus of the hot room, this is the place. Hans and Natasha not only guide you through the sequence but for each asana impart extra advice, details and information. Their input really helped me improve my practice. Bravo!

My favorite place to practice yoga with a great variety of classes and really fantastic teachers (Natasha, Evi, Hans - THANK YOU). Practicing in a warm room helps you to stretch deeply, cleanse the body and calms your mind, which is all you need after a hard working day. Each class is an absolutely wonderful experience, thus I always come back!

Great place, will go there again! Already using green energy to heat the place? 🙂

This studio is one of the best I have ever been. The atmosphere inside is so good, you can feel the vibrations in the air. All of the teachers there are purely amazing, very helpful and very skilled. I absolutely adore Natasha, she is my idol, so calm and understanding. Always there to assist you with breathing or alignment. If you are new to yoga, or simply want to try this studio, I suggest you do sign up for the 8 day trial. Every day you can experience different approach, or different type of yoga and can discover what works with your body and soul. Perks: they serve tea and fruits at the end and you can have lovely chat with everyone. And they do occasionally workshops, for anyone who wants to learn a little bit extra.Just go there open minded and you will return with harmonious energy and blessed heart.

Echte aanbeveling! Super docenten! Ook veel mannen! Nu al bijna een jaar en sindsdien niet meer naar de fysiotherapeut etc! Ook een fijne persoonlijke begeleiding en natuurlijk gezelligheid.

Zeer fijne, laagdrempelige yoga studio. Altijd schoon. Vriendelijke docenten, zeer behulpzaam en meedenkend. De hot yoga 90 minutes is echt een aanrader om even uit je hoofd te zijn, te trainen en te zorgen voor een goede balans, zowel letterlijk als figuurlijk. Laat je niet afschrikken door de Engelstalige les, dit is zeer goed te volgen.

Love HYE, it is a warm place 😉 with skilled and attentive teachers. The studio also offers different type of classes and it feels just great to go there.

Nice place for all levels and the instructors are very professional.

I have been taking classes for the past year and I can honestly say that it is the best relaxing and welcoming studio ever. I felt at home since the first time I stepped inside. The teachers are very skilled and have an attentive and gentle way to guide you through the classes. Much love and gratitude to Natasha, the owner. Just love this place.

Ik kom hier al jaren. Goede yogadocenten, goede sfeer. Docenten kijken ook echt naar je, geven goede aanwijzingen en zijn altijd behulpzaam. Schone, gezellige studio. Keep up the good work. Namaste 🙏

Erg prettige yoga school waar persoonlijke aandacht hoog in het vaandel staat. Het heeft een prettige sfeer en goede docenten. De yin yoga die ze ook aanbieden is een mooie aanvulling op de hot yoga. Ik kom al ruim twee jaar iedere week.

Het beoefenen van Hotyoga is een van de beste keuzes die ik heb gemaakt in mijn fitness carriere! De lessen zijn mega goed! Super fijne docenten die vol passie er staan, speciaal voor ons! Zo voelt het echt! Ik kom nu al twee jaar bij Hot Yoga Studio Eindhoven (als het niet langer is) en ik zal het altijd blijven doen! Een dikke 5!

This is a professional studio for all levels, good instructors and great yoga classes. This type of (hot)yoga can be combined very well with all other sports, not only to improve your flexibility but also for injury prevention and recovery!

How lucky I am that I discovered this HotYoga school more than a year ago! ♥ I absolutely improved myself, and am now already able to do things of which I - a year ago- thought that I would never manage! Remarkable is that Natasha and Hans and, all the Yoga teachers are always warm and friendly and with positive energy. The lessons/ instructions are clear and they are always alert to help us and advise us. The fact that there are several teachers and regularly guest teachers is also very inspiring; you don't get attached to only one person, and you experience different accents. I ♥HotYogaEindhoven