How Online Yoga helps me survive the lockdown

Catrinel T., one of Hot Yoga Eindhoven’s most regular Livestreaming online yoga practioners speaks about her experience with Online Yoga so far. ‘It’s taken time to adjust, because you need more self-discipline to focus when practicing at home’ What do you feel about online yoga? It provides an opportunity to practice every day with my…

Yoga Teacher Training in English in Eindhoven – 200 hours – currently online

ART AWAKE YOGA 200-HOUR TEACHER TRAINING – NOW ONLINE Continue on your voyage of self-discovery with a 200-hour Registered Teacher Training Programme (RYS Registered 200-hour training with Yoga Alliance).  More about the teachers on Art Awake Yoga. What yoga is, where it comes from, the 8 limbs of yoga. Introduction to the Yoga Sutra and…

5 redenen om hot yoga te doen

‘Hoe je bent in het proces is belangrijker dan hoe ver je gaat.’ Voordelen van hot yoga in een speciaal verwarmde ruimte Minder kans op letsel, Flexibiliteit/ soepelheid, Focus verscherpt, Botten en spieren versterkt, Gezonde, uitlijning van gewrichten, Verbetert de bloedcirculatie, Bevordert herstel van blessures, Bevordert, ontspanning, verbetert de slaap, Verbeterde immuniteit. Wat zijn de…

Rabbit Pose

Top 5 Hot yoga benefits

1. Breathing. Conscious smooth and even breathing calms the mind, especially with focus on exhale. Managing our breath helps us manage how we respond to external and internal stimuli. Learning how to breathe correctly in yoga class supports and strengthens the core, as well as calming the mind. In the heat we especially cannot focus…