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COVID-19 safety rules in the studio

We are happy to invite you back following the official safety guidelines of the RIVM (the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment in the Netherlands).

    • Facemask: Please wear a facemask in the reception area, you can remove it in the practice room.
    • Stay at home if you feel unwell or have a weakened immune system.
    • Give space: Keep 1.5 meters distance in the studio – not only on your mat.
    • Book classes online in advance – places are limited to 13 people
      (If you need to cancel, do so minimum 6 hours before so someone else can take your place).
    • Try to avoid public transport when travelling to the studio (walk, bike, drive).
    • Bring your own mat and props if possible – we can help out if needed.
    • We give no hands-on adjustments – as a trauma-informed school, this was already minimal.
    • Ventilation is good and approved and meets regulations: We heat up fresh air flowing in from outside, and then it flows back out again.
    • Wash your hands with disinfectant gel when entering the studio
    • Please cough or sneeze into your elbow
    • Bring your own water bottle – we do not serve tea at the studio for now
    • WC / Showers: Two women at a time in Women’s, and one man at a time in Mens’ – we have space outside to wait in the large reception space with places to sit – or stay longer in savasana!
    • Clean space: We clean our newly rennovated studio space well between classes.

Enjoy your practice,


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